PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-05-31 NOTE = "Description of the DOCUMENT directory contents for the 120-Color Lunar NIR Spectrophotometry Data archive" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation files to aid in understanding and using the data in this archive. The following files are found in this directory. DOCINFO.TXT - The file you are reading. CALIB.TXT - Description of the spectral calibration applied to the data, and corrections needed to convert the data to bi-directional spectra. CALIB.HTM - HTML version of CALIB.TXT, intended for viewing with a Web browser. CALIB.LBL - PDS label that describes CALIB.TXT and CALIB.HTM. CALFIG1.GIF - Figure 1 referenced in CALIB.TXT and CALIB.HTM. CALFIG2.GIF - Figure 2 referenced in CALIB.TXT and CALIB.HTM. CLEMSPEC.GIF - A graph comparing a telescopic spectrum for a small crater in Mare Serenitatis with multispectral data for the same crater from the Clementine mission. CLEMSPEC.LBL - PDS label for CLEMSPEC.GIF. PIETER00.PDF - C. M. Pieters and S. Pratt, Earth-based near-infrared collection of spectra for the moon: a new PDS data set, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXI Abstract #2059, 2000. This is an Adobe PDF file intended for viewing with Adobe Acrobat software. PIETER00.LBL - PDS label for PIETER00.PDF. PIETER99.PDF - C. M. Pieters, The moon as a spectral calibration standard enabled by lunar samples: the Clementine example, LPI Contribution No. 980 in Workshop on New Views of the Moon II: Understanding the Moon Through the Integration of Diverse Datasets, 1999. This is an Adobe PDF file intended for viewing with Adobe Acrobat software. PIETER99.LBL - PDS label for PIETER99.PDF.