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Magellan Full-Resolution Mosaicked Image Data Record
The Magellan F-MIDR dataset has been migrated to the PDS4 standard. The Magellan
MIDR PDS4 bundle can be found
here. The information below refers to the PDS3 version of the dataset.
The F-MIDRs are mosaics of full-resolution image swaths (F-BIDRs) covering
selected areas of the planet.
CD volumes MG_0001 through MG_0127 contain a mix of F-MIDRs and C1-, C2-, and
C3-MIDRs. These volumes are available online. Data Set Volumes
In the table below, click on the
volume ID to get to the volume's top-level directory,
from which you may access all the files. For an
introduction to the volume, read the
aareadme file in the top-level directory. To
find the location of a specific data product, look in
cumulative index on the last volume.