PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-03-11 NOTE = "Description of contents of EXTRAS directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END MSL APXS RDR EXTRAS Directory The EXTRAS directory in this APXS archive contains the following additional material which may be of interest to the user. MSL_APXS_ACTIVITIES_SOLnnnn_mmmm.CSV - These are tables that lists APXS EDR product IDs, associated target information, and comments. The "nnnn_mmmm" in the file name represents a range of sol numbers. The tables are comma- separated-value ASCII text files which may be viewed in a text editor or loaded into spreadsheet software such as Excel. MSL_APXS_CONCENTRATIONS_MNO_RECALIB.CSV - This table describes an issue with the internal HV gradually starting around sol 1000. It impacted only the MnO concentration values. A parameter upload on sol 1267 fixed this issue. The previous data were refitted with an adjusted fit model. All concentrations until sol 1293 are contained in this file with adjusted MnO values before sol 1267. MSL_APXS_SOL_0_359_VER2_RG.CSV and MSL_APXS_CONCENTRATIONS_nnnn_mmmm.CSV - This table lists APXS extracted concentrations. The table is a comma-separated-value ASCII text file which may be viewed in a text editor or loaded into spreadsheet software such as Excel. VER1 represented the results used for LPSC 2013 abstracts and used in ver1 PDS RDRs. It assumed an unchanged APXS calibration target, however, Mg and Fe deposits from the landing on top of the rock slab made a recalibration necessary. VER2 represents the strict cross calibration from the lab calibration to Mars, taking into account 8 mbar CO2, lab and Mars sources and APXS calibation target contamination. VER 2 is used in the Sept 2013 and Dec 2013 Science papers. The table represents all samples measured with the MSL APXS. Some samples were measured only very short ( ~ 10 minutes), some at very unfavorable temperatures with very bad FWHM and some at very large standoff. The expected outcome of these spectra was to check for major elements only. The error bars given to all elements tries to capture these very unusual circumstances, but might be not fully correct for minor and trace elements. Therefore the user is highly encouraged to check the spectra, the lifetime, the FWHM and the norm to verify the quality of the data before overinterpreting minor and trace elements in these spectra. Good quality spectra are typically represented with lifetimes of at least 1 hour, a standoff less than 2 cm ( ~ 25 % norm) and FWHM below ~ 175 eV. A verification of distance dependent corrections on Mars, mainly impacting P, K and Ti is still pending.