PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2023-03-16 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation useful to understand the data products included in this volume and its organization. DN2ENGUNITS_LUT.PDF - This file contains lookup tables for the conversion of ChemCam data numbers (DN) to physical values. DOCINFO.TXT - This file GAIN_MARS.TAB, .LBL - This gain file is intended to be used with ChemCam Passive Spectra (PSV) files. The columns are the gain values associated with the Instrument Response. GEOMETRIC_CM.TXT - A reference that describes the geometric camera model for the ChemCam, NAVCAM, and HAZCAM instruments. MSL_CAMERA_SIS.PDF - The MSL Camera EDR Data Products Software Specification Interface in pdf format. MSL_CAMERA_SIS.LBL - A label file describing both the MSL_CAMERA_SIS.PDF. CHEMCAM_ARCHSIS.PDF - The ChemCam RDR archive volume Software Interface Specification in pdf format. CHEMCAM_ARCHSIS.LBL - A label file describing the CHEMCAM_ARCHSIS.PDF. PDSDD.FUL - PDS Data Dictionary. PDSDD.LBL - A label files describing PDSDD.FUL. MSL_CCAM_OBS.CSV - Summary information for ChemCam observations in a comma-delimited ASCII table. TRACE_ELEMENT_PEAK_FITTING.PDF - The ChemCam Trace Element Peak Fitting Specification in pdf format. TRACE_ELEMENT_PEAK_FITTING.LBL - A label file describing the TRACE_ELEMENT_PEAK_FITTING.PDF NOTE: For targets beyond 40m the distance recorded in MSL_CCAM_OBS.CSV is a command parameter, not a real distance. The team is working on a conversion table to put the acutal distance in the file. Current entries in the MSL_CCAM_OBS.CSV file will be corrected once this conversion table has been validated. MSL_CCAM_OBS.LBL - PDS label describing MSL_CCAM_OBS.CSV. WAVE_CAL_COEFFS.TAB - ChemCam spectrometer wavelength calibration coefficients sol 0-499. WAVE_CAL_COEFFS.LBL - PDS label describing WAVE_CAL_COEFFS.TAB WAVE_CAL_COEFFS_500.TAB - ChemCam spectrometer wavelength calibration coefficients for sol 500-1417. WAVE_CAL_COEFFS_500.LBL - PDS label describing WAVE_CAL_COEFFS_500.TAB WAVE_CAL_COEFFS_1418.TAB - ChemCam spectrometer wavelength calibration coefficients all sols after 1418. WAVE_CAL_COEFFS_1418.LBL - PDS label describing WAVE_CAL_COEFFS_1418.TAB CCAM_DEFAULT_WAVE.TAB - Calibrated wavelength for PSV spectra CCAM_DEFAULT_WAVE.LBL - PDS label describing CCAM_DEFAULT_WAVE.TAB