PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2012-06-13 NOTE = "Description of contents of CATALOG directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The CATALOG directory contains mission, spacecraft (instrument host), instrument, reference, personnel, and data set descriptions for the MSL CheMin EDR archive. The descriptions are in text files with names ending in CAT. They are called catalog files because they are written in a keyword = value format that enables them to be loaded into the PDS online catalog for searching. They may be read in a text editor. The files are: CHEMIN_EDRDS.CAT A description of the CheMin EDR data set, containing the raw CheMin data. CHEMIN_INST.CAT An overview of the CheMin instrument. CHEMIN_REF.CAT A listing of references cited in the above CheMin catalog files, along with other references that may be of interest. MSL_INSTHOST.CAT A description of the Mars Science Laboratory rover. MSL_MISSION.CAT A brief description of the MSL mission. It includes a chronology of events, definition of mission phases, and science objectives. MSL_REF.CAT A listing of references cited in MSL_MISSION.CAT and MSL_INSTHOST.CAT. PERSON.CAT Contact information for personnel associated with the CheMin EDR archive.