PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2007-07-18 NOTE = "Description of contents of Dual-Polarization Calibrated Radar Map of the Moon BROWSE directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The BROWSE directory contains 3 subdirectories: level1, level2, and mosaics. The contents of each subdirectory are discussed below. LEVEL1: This directory contains 2 subdirectories: "tiff" and "jpeg." The "tiff" subdirectory contains 40 TIFF images, each with a standard PDS document label. These images are browse versions of the level 1 polarized (pol) and depolarized (dep) images found in the DATA\LEVEL1 directory. The TIFFs are a log-scale stretch of -30 dB to +30 dB (0-255 DN) about the mean of all the non-zero pixels in each 32-bit map. The "jpeg" subdirectory contains 40 JPEG images, each with a standard PDS document label. These images are browse versions of the TIFF images found in the BROWSE\LEVEL1 directory. LEVEL2: This directory contains 2 subdirectories: "tiff" and "jpeg." The "tiff" subdirectory contains 60 TIFF images, each with a standard PDS document label. These images are browse versions of the level 2 polarized (pol), depolarized (dep), and ratio (rat) images found in the DATA\LEVEL2 directory. The TIFFs are a log-scale stretch of -30 dB to +30 dB (0-255 DN) about the mean of all the non-zero pixels in each 32-bit map. The "jpeg" subdirectory contains 60 JPEG images, each with a standard PDS document label. These images are browse versions of the TIFF images found in the BROWSE\LEVEL2 directory. MOSAICS: This directory contains 2 JPEG documents, each with a standard PDS document label. LUNAR_NEARSIDE_MOSAIC.JPG is a mosaic of the lunar nearside. LUNAR_NEARSIDE_MOSAIC_LABELED.JPG is a mosaic of the lunar nearside with the location of each "quad" mapped in this archive noted. These documents are included as a guide for the dataset. North is at the top of the frame in all of these images.