PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Comments on Dual-Polarization Calibrated Radar Map of the Moon (ERRATA.TXT)" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2012-06-15 END_OBJECT = TEXT END COMMENTS ON DUAL-POLARIZATION CALIBRATED RADAR MAP OF THE MOON ARCHIVE VOLUME LRM_90XX: This document contains comments and errata concerning the Dual-Polarization Calibrated Radar Map of the Moon Archive Volume LRM_90XX. It is divided into sections based on the nature of the errata comments: 1.0 Known Errors and Anomalies; 2.0 New File Additions; 3.0 Modifications to Existing Files. New comments are added at the end of each section as appropriate. 1.0 KNOWN ERRORS AND ANOMALIES 1.1 DOCUMENT DIRECTORY PDS standards specify that the archive should include a plain text version of the document LUNAR_RADAR.PDF. However, this version has been omitted, because the document contains equations that cannot be rendered as ASCII text. 1.2 MAP PROJECTION INFORMATION IN PDS LABELS The file CATALOG/DSMAP_POLAR.CAT gives equations for converting between latitude-longitude and line-sample coordinates. The equations do not use the map projection parameters LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET and SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET, and therefore these parameters are not given in the PDS labels for the polar map products (they have the value N/A). If you use map projection software that requires these parameters, you may compute them as follows: LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = LINES/2 + 0.5 SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET = LINE_SAMPLES/2 + 0.5 2.0 NEW FILE ADDITIONS N/A 3.0 MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FILES 3.1 DATA/LEVEL2 2008-02-20. The file spole_inc_level2.img was accidentally converted to double precision in the original archive, so it was twice as large as needed. The file has been replaced.