PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2010-09-15 NOTE = "PDS Delivery 1." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Chandrayaan-1 Mini-RF Mini-SAR Instrument Science Data Archive CATINFO.TXT 16 September 2009 Mini-RF POC Team Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory ============================================================================= INTRODUCTION ============================================================================= The CATALOG directory contains the files which define the catalog objects (i.e., the *.CAT files). These files are required by the PDS and are a standard component of an archive. These files are structured text files written in PVL. ============================================================================= DIRECTORY CONTENTS ============================================================================= MISSION.CAT Describes the overall mission, its objectives, destination, and duration. INSTHOST.CAT Describes the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft that is carrying the Mini-RF instrument. PERSON.CAT Lists and provides contact information for cognizant personnel who can provide information about and support for the data products contained in the archive. INST.CAT Describes the Mini-RF "Forerunner" instrument. MRFFR_1_PDR_DS.CAT The DATA_SET_CATALOG file which describes the raw Packetized Data Records (PDR). MRFFR_4_CDR_DS.CAT The DATA_SET_CATALOG file which describes the SAR Level 1 Calibrated Data Records (CDR) product, the Stokes files, the polarization ratio files, and the radar albedo files and ancillary information. MRFFR_5_CDR_MAP_DS.CAT The DATA_SET_CATALOG file which describes the map-projected SAR Level 2 Calibrated Data Records (CDR) product, the Stokes files, the polarization ratio files, and the radar albedo files and ancillary information. MRFFR_5_CDR_MOSAIC_DS.CAT The DATA_SET_CATALOG file which describes the SAR Level 3 polar mosaics which are generated from multiple Calibrated Data Records and ancillary information. DSMAP.CAT The Data Set Map catalog file is intended for use with SAR Level 2 CDR map projection product. It contains information on the oblique cylindrical map projection used in this product.