PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-02-15 NOTE = "Mini-RF Chandrayaan-1 PDS Delivery 1." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Chandrayaan-1 Mini-RF Mini-SAR Instrument Science Data Archive EXTRINFO.TXT 20 January 2011 Mini-RF POC Team Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory ============================================================================= INTRODUCTION ============================================================================= The EXTRAS directory contains the JPEG browse images associated with the data products, the orbit number files, and the processing parameter file. Files in this directory do not have PDS labels associated with them. ============================================================================= DIRECTORY CONTENTS ============================================================================= This directory contains the file PROCESSING_PARMS.TXT and the subdirectories MK, ORBNUM, QUIKVIEW and UNPROC. PROCESSING_PARMS.TXT The file PROCESSING_PARMS.TXT is a portion of a text-based input file used to supply configuration information to the level 0 and level 1 SAR (synthetic aperture radar) processing software from the Vexcel Corporation (TM). It is formatted in basic XML (extended markup language) syntax. For the Mini-RF sensor onboard the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft, the configuration file contains a separate block of parameters for each of the radar operational modes. Each mode is referred to as a beam, and these include BASELINE_S, BASELINE_S_STEEP1 BASELINE_S_STEEP2. The digit S refers to a wavelength in the S-band. The denomination BASLINE refers to standard SAR mode (pixel spacing of 75 m); STEEP1 and STEEP2 refers to modes where the spacecraft rolls to nadir by 9 deg. or 12 deg. respectively, thus changing the incidence angle of the radar beam on the surface. Each beam block of parameters consists of two sub-blocks: a CL Parameters information block and a Swath Parameters block. CL Parameters or Clutter-lock Processing Parameters specifies configuration values for the specified beam mode related to Doppler processing. The Swath Parameters block contains configuration values related to the spatial domain of the resulting SAR image or swath. EXTRAS/MK This directory contains the metakernel file (a.k.a "furnsh" file) that provide lists of the archived kernels included in this data set suitable for loading into a SPICE-based application via the high level SPICE data loader routine FURNSH. Using these metakernels makes it easy to load with one call a comprehensive SPICE data collection for a given period. Like the text kernels archived in this data set, these metakernels are UNIX text files that have lines terminated with a line feed character, LF (ASCII 10). The user should be aware that the metakernel included in this archive was not used in the generation of the archived Mini-SAR science data products. It is provided as a reference for the order in which kernels should be loaded. This meta-data kernel is provided in this data set: ch1_minisar_v01.tm This is a full metakernel covering the duration of the Mini-SAR mission including the period when the instrument was undergoing checkout before the commencement of formal science operations in January 2009. This metakernel contains the official CKs produced by the Mini-SAR project which contain attitude data derived from quaternions and in three cases from data provided by ISRO. This metakernel was not used in the POC system for data processing, but is included to specify the order in which SPICE kernels should be loaded. The SPICE kernels referenced in this metakernel are located in the GEOMETRY directory of this archive. SPICE text kernels are text files, but the kernels do not have the PDS standard end of line marker (EOL). Per NAIF PDS node standards, the text SPICE metakernels contain the Unix-like EOLs. All other text files in the archive volume use the standard PDS EOLs. Although the metakernels were created such that on a UNIX workstation they can be loaded into a SPICE-based application directly from the root directory of the data set -- because the PATH_VALUES keyword is set to 'SPICE' and '/' is used as the path delimiter -- it is recommended that users make local copies of these files and update the PATH_VALUES keyword in each of them to point to the actual location of the data set's 'data' directory on their system. Additional changes including replacing '/' and '\' in all path specifications and converting UNIX line terminators to terminators native to the user's system may be required to use these metakernels on a non-UNIX-type workstation. For general information on SPICE, the SPICE library and on the NAIF toolkit, see http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov. EXTRAS/ORBNUM The ORBNUM subdirectory contains orbit number files. These provide associations between orbit numbers and times. The start and end times of each orbit and associated latitude and longitude values are recorded in these files. There is one orbit number file for each day. The file names are given as CHAND1_ORBNUM__.ORB where yyyy is the year, MM the month, dd the day of the month, and vv the version number of the file (00..99). EXTRAS/QUIKVIEW The QUIKVIEW subdirectory contains reduced-size, easily viewed versions of data products to be used to help identify products of interest. These are JPEG images. Browse images are provided for Level 2 circular polarization ratio and stokes 1 parameter products only. Beneath the QUIKVIEW subdirectory, there will be multiple subdirectories organized and named by orbit number. These subdirectories will contain the browse images associated with the given orbits. The subdirectory naming scheme contains two five-digit natural numbers separated by an underscore. The first number "aaaaa" is the number of the first orbit and the second number "bbbbb" is the number of the last orbit represented in the directory (both padded with leading zeroes). For example, a directory named "00402_00578" contains all browse images associated with orbits 402 through 578. The orbit numbers given in the subdirectory names are padded with leading zeroes. There will be one of these subdirectories for each corresponding Level 2 data directory. There is also a MOSAICS subdirectory for the polar mosaics. EXTRAS/UNPROC This directory contains unprocessed data that were received or produced, but are deemed to be not scientifically useful. They are included only for archive completeness. Users should make no assumptions as to the validity or usefulness of the files in this directory. This directory contains two subdirectories, PACKETS/ and CK/. PACKETS -- Subdirectory contains unprocesse raw packet data files extracted from telemetry, but that do not contain useable scientific data. They were not processed into higher-level products and were not used in the original analysis of Mini-SAR data. CK -- Subdirectory contains binary attitude (CK) spice kernels that may cover some of the period over which some of the unprocessed raw packet data were collected. These CKs were not used in the Mini-SAR processing or science analysis and their contents has not been verified.