PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2010-02-01 NOTE = "Introduction to this archive (AAREADME.TXT)" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The Apache Point Observatory AGILE Observations of the LCROSS Impacts ======================================================================== Introduction ============ This document provides an overview of this archive, including a description of the volume structure. For complete documentation see the files in the CATALOG directory of this volume. This volume contains data collected from the Apache Point Observatory 3.5m Telescope AGILE instrument during observations of the impact of the LCROSS spacecraft on the moon on October 9, 2009. File Formats ============ Data products in this archive are in the form of FITS images with detached PDS labels. PDS labels (*.LBL), catalog files (*.CAT), and text documents (*.TXT) are ASCII stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of each line. This allows the files to be read by MS-DOS/Windows, Unix and MacOS operating systems. Index tables (*.TAB) in the INDEX directory are ASCII text files with fixed-length records. Columns in the table are separated by commas. Volume Contents =============== Files on this volume are organized into a set of subdirectories below the top-level directory. The following table shows the structure and content of these directories. In the table, directory names are enclosed in square brackets ([]). See the "*info.txt" files in each directory for specific information on the files in the directory, including naming schemes. Root directory | |- AAREADME.TXT The file you are reading. | |- ERRATA.TXT Release notes, including any known | errors or problems in the archive. | |- VOLDESC.CAT Volume description for the PDS catalog. | |- [CALIB] The calibration data set. | | | [BIAS] The bias data set. | | | |- BIA#####.LBL The bias file with detached PDS label. | | | |- BIA#####.FIT The FITS bias file. | | [DARK] The dark data set. | | | |- DAR#####.LBL The dark file with detached PDS label. | | | |- DAR#####.FIT The FITS dark file. | | [FLAT] The flat data set. | | | |- DFL#####.LBL The dome flat file with detached PDS label. | | | |- DFL#####.FIT The FITS dome flat file. | | | |- SFL#####.LBL The sky flat file with detached PDS label. | | | |- DFL#####.FIT The FITS sky flat file. | | [STDS] The standards data set. | | | |- AAA#####.LBL The standard file with detached PDS label. | | | |- AAA#####.FIT The FITS standard file. | |- [CATALOG] A directory containing documentation | | about the archive for the PDS catalog. | | | |- CATINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory. | | | |- DATASET.CAT A description of the data set. | | | |- INST.CAT Description of the AGILE instrument. | | | |- INSTHOST.CAT Description of the APO 3.5-meter telescope. | | | |- MISSION.CAT Description of the LCROSS mission. | | | |- PERSON.CAT Contact information for the people involved | | in the production of this data set. | | | |- REF.CAT A list of pertinent references. | |- [INDEX] A directory containing an index of data | | files on this volume | | | |- INDXINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory. | | | |- BIAS_INDEX.TAB Index of bias calibration files. | | | |- BIAS_INDEX.LBL The PDS label describing BIAS_INDEX.TAB. | | | |- DARK_INDEX.TAB Index of dark calibration files. | | | |- DARK_INDEX.LBL The PDS label describing DARK_INDEX.TAB. | | | |- FLAT_INDEX.TAB Index of flat calibration files. | | | |- FLAT_INDEX.LBL The PDS label describing FLAT_INDEX.TAB. | | | |- INDEX.TAB Index of data files on this volume. | | | |- INDEX.LBL The PDS label describing IMP_INDEX.TAB. | | | |- STDS_INDEX.TAB Index of standards calibration files. | | | |- STDS_INDEX.LBL The PDS label describing STDS_INDEX.TAB. | | |- [DATA] A directory containing the data files | and PDS labels describing the contents | of those files. | - [IMPnnnXX] Directory of data files with names | beginning with IMPnnn, where | "nnn" is 068 through 122. | |- IMPnnnkk.FIT FITS data files with names | from IMPnnn01 through IMPnnn99. | |- IMPnnnkk.LBL Detached PDS labels describing the data files. Whom to Contact for Information =============================== Dr. Nancy J. Chanover New Mexico State University Department Of Astronomy P.O. Box 30001/MSC 4500 Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001 nchanover@nmsu.edu Cognizant Persons ================= This volume was designed and produced by Susan Slavney, PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 63130. Questions and comments regarding this archive may be sent to the PDS Geosciences Node: PDS Geosciences Node Washington University Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences 1 Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130 314-935-5493 Web: http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu Email: geosci@wunder.wustl.edu