PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-05-31 NOTE = "AAREADME file for the Lunar Prospector GRS and NS derived data sets" END_OBJECT = TEXT END 1. Introduction This document provides an overview of the Lunar Prospector (LP) Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) and Neutron Spectrometer (NS) derived data sets. This archive contains fully corrected 32-second data accumulations from the Lunar Prospector Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) and Neutron Spectrometer (NS). 2. Archive Contents Files in this archive are organized into the directories described below. Top-level Directory ------------------- AAREADME.TXT The file you are currently reading. VOLDESC.CAT This text file contains a description of the volume contents as a PDS catalog object. It is a required file on PDS archive volumes. CATALOG Directory ----------------- Files in the CATALOG directory are text files containing documentation formatted in PDS object description language. The files contain information about the LP mission and spacecraft, the GRS and NS instruments, the GRS and NS data sets, personnel associated with the data and archive, and references. See the file CATINFO.TXT for details. GRS and NS Directories -------------- GRS data products are found in the GRS directory. There is one file per day. Each file is a binary table with one record per sample. A detached PDS label accompanies each data file and gives pertinent information about the data file as well as the structure and format of the binary table. NS data products are found in the NS directory. Each file is a binary table with one record per sample, described by a detached PDS label. The data products include thermal and epithermal neutron counts at high and low altitude and with either an 8-second or 32-second sample period; fast neutron counts at high and low altitude with a 32-second sample period; moderated neutron counts at low altitude with a 32-second sample period; and finally position information files for both altitudes and both sample periods. DOCUMENT Directory ------------------ The primary documentation for the GRS and NS derived data sets is the document LP_GRNS_SUMMARY in the Document directory. This document is given as an Adobe PDF file and as a plain text file. See the file DOCINFO.TXT for details. INDEX Directory --------------- The INDEX directory contains a PDS index file for this archive. An index file is an ASCII table with each record (or line) in the table containing information about a single data product in archive. See the file INDXINFO.TXT for details. 3. File Formats The data files are binary table files with detached PDS labels. The format of these files is completely described by the detached labels. All text files (*.TXT files) and detached labels (*.LBL files) on this volume are stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of each line. This allows the files to be read by a variety of operating systems. All binary table files (*.DAT files) are described by PDS detached labels. The detached PDS label file has the same name as the data file it describes, with the extension .LBL. The index table in the Index directory is a comma-delimited ASCII table, INDEX.TAB, that lists each product on the archive volume. The columns in this table are described by the accompanying detached PDS label, INDEX.LBL. 4. Whom To Contact For Information For questions concerning this data set collection: PDS Geosciences Node Washington University Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences 1 Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130 314-935-5493 WWW Site: http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/ Electronic mail address: geosci@wunder.wustl.edu 5. Cognizant Persons LP GRS and NS derived data were provided by David Lawrence, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. This volume was designed and produced at the Planetary Data System Geosciences Node, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, by Susan Slavney and Edward Guinness.