PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2012-09-25 NOTE = "Description of contents of SOFTWARE directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The SOFTWARE directory contains utilities or application programs to aid the user in viewing or extracting data from the Level 0 data product files. The codes are provided as illustrations of how to extract the blackjack packets from blackjack binary data. For a description of blackjack, see section 4.2.1 in DPSIS.PDF. SOFTINFO.TXT: Description of software directory files. SOFTWARE.ZIP: Compressed ZIP file containing the software files listed below. SOFTWARE.LBL: PDS label for SOFTWARE.ZIP. The following files are in the compressed ZIP file SOFTWARE.ZIP: TRSRCRC.H: Interface for the TRSRCRC class. This class provides standard X-MODEM-style CRC generation and checking. TRSRFLAGBYTE.H: Interface for the TRSRFlagByte class. This class defines the TRSR packet header flag byte type. TRSRHEADER.H: Interface for the TRSRHeader class. TRSRRCVBUFFER.H: Interface for a receive buffer class. TRSRRCVPACKET.H: Interface for the TRSR receive packet class. TRSRSENDPACKET.H: Interface for the TRSR send packet class. TESTAPP.CPP: A receiver-based slp to test the TRSR output protocol. TRSRCRC.CPP: Implementation for the TRSRCRC class. This class provides standard X-MODEM-style CRC generation and checking. TRSRFLAGBYTE.CPP: Implementation for the TRSRFlagByte class. This class defines the TRSR packet header flag byte type. TRSRHEADER.CPP: Implementation for the TRSRHeader class. This class defines the TRSR packet header. TRSRRCVBUFFER.CPP: Implementation of a receive buffer class. TRSRRCVPACKET.CPP: Implementation of the TRSR receive packet base class. TRSRSENDPACKET.CPP: Implementation of the TRSR send packet base class.