Mars 2020 Sample Dossier Mars 2020 (Perseverance) Rover Mission Planetary Data System (PDS) Archive Bundle Users are encouraged to provide comments to the PDS Geosciences Node if errors are found either in data or in documentation in this archive. Please send comments by e-mail to the Geosciences Node: Web: Email: Overview ======== The Mars 2020 Sample Dossier Archive contains information related to remote sensing and contact science observations of targets that are drilled and for which samples are cached on the surface. The archive provides scientific context for the samples, and documents what was done during drilling, including the exact location and appearance of the target before and after drilling. The archive also documents the locations and physical characteristics of cache points for future retrieval. At a future date, the archive will include engineering parameters associated with drilling. This bundle contains the following collections. initial_reports: This collection includes PDFs that contain information on each of the core samples, including geologic context, workspace observations, and applicable science results from various Perseverance instruments. document: This collection includes the release notes. Note: Additional collections will be added at a future date. These collections will include engineering data related to the acquisition of each core sample and a User's Guide. Documents and PDS Labels ============================ Every document is accompanied by a PDS label in a file with the same name as the data file, but with the extension ".lblx". PDS labels are written in XML (Extended Markup Language). The labels may be viewed in a text editor or web browser, preferably one that applies special formatting to XML files to make them more readable. The labels may also be read by software that can interpret XML. ============== This bundle was created and archived by the Geosciences Node of the Planetary Data System. Questions about this bundle may be directed to Last updated 2023-09-12.