PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2013-02-07 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory contains the following documentation files. DAN_EDR_SIS.PDF - The DAN EDR Software Interface Specification, which describes the EDR data product in detail, along with an appendix that provides examples of PDS labels for DAN data products. DAN_EDR_SIS.LBL is a PDS label that describes the PDF file. MSL_COORDINATE_FRAMES.PDF - A document describing coordinate systems used by MSL science instruments. MSL_COORDINATE_FRAMES.LBL is a PDS label that describes the PDF file. MSL_EDR_VOLSIS.PDF - The MSL EDR Archive Volume Software Interface Specification, which describes the contents and format of every MSL EDR archive, with appendices for each EDR data set. The particulars of the DAN EDR archive are described in Appendix D. MSL_EDR_VOLSIS.LBL is a PDS label that describes the PDF file. Note: The DOCUMENT directory also contains a copy of the Planetary Science Data Dictionary in the file PDSDD.FUL. It is a text file in a keyword=value format similar to PDS labels for use by PDS label validation software. It is also human-readable and searchable in a text editor.