PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2013-10-15 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END AAREADME.TXT October 15, 2013 ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== This volume contains Experiment Data Record (EDR) instrument data acquired by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument suite on the Mars Science Laboratory rover. SAM includes the Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS), the Gas Chromatograph (GC), and the Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS). The SAM EDR data are a "safed" PDS data set. That means it is not a formally reviewed PDS archive, and the data are not considered Certified Data by PDS. However, the data are being preserved by PDS to prevent their being lost after the end of the mission. Together the SAM instrument team and PDS agreed that it was better to safe the EDR data rather than archive it, because the data were not likely to be of interest to most science users. Users would be more interested in the lowest-level SAM RDR data set, MSL-M-SAM-2-RDR-L0-V1, which contains the same unprocessed science data as the EDR, but in a more accessible format and with extraneous non-science components removed. ============================================================================== VOLUME SET INFORMATION ============================================================================== SAM EDR data are stored in a volume having the directory structure illustrated below. root | |- AAREADME.TXT Introduction to the archive (this file) |- ERRATA.TXT Release notes and errata for the archive |- VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of the archive | |- CATALOG | | | |- CATINFO.TXT Description of the CATALOG directory | |- MSL_INSTHOST.CAT Instrument host (rover) description | |- MSL_MISSION.CAT Mission description | |- MSL_REF.CAT References mentioned in MSL*.CAT files | |- PERSON.CAT Relevant SAM personnel | |- SAM_INST.CAT Instrument description | |- SAM_EDR_DS.CAT Level 0 data set description | |- SAM_REF.CAT References mentioned in SAM*.CAT files | |- DATA | | | |- nnnnn Directory od data acquired on sol nnnnn | | | |- *.DAT Binary tables of SAM EDR data | |- *.LBL PDS labels describing the data products | |- DOCUMENT | | | |- DOCINFO.TXT Description of the DOCUMENT directory | |- EDRDPSIS.PDF,.HTM SAM EDR data product specification | |- EDRDPSIS.LBL PDS label for EDRDPSIS.* | |- INDEX | |- INDXINFO.TXT Description of the INDEX directory |- INDEX.TAB, LBL ASCII table of SAM EDR data products, and PDS label describing the table ============================================================================== FILE FORMAT ============================================================================== SAM EDR data files are stored as binary tables with file names ending in DAT. Each table is accompanied by a detached PDS label with the same name but the extension LBL, which describes the format and content of the table. PDS labels are ASCII text files that may be read in a text editor. Documentation on data file contents is available in the SAM EDR Software Interface Specification (EDRDPSIS) in the DOCUMENT directory. All text files in the archive, including PDS labels, are delimited with carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pairs at the end of the line. ============================================================================== COGNIZANT PERSONNEL ============================================================================== SAM EDR data products are generated and assembled into archive volumes by the MSL Operations Product Generation Subsystem (OPGS), and delivered to the SAM Science Team and the Planetary Data System Geosciences Node. The Geosciences Node releases the data to the public. SAM Science Team Archive Representative: Heather Franz, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, heather.b.franz@nasa.gov. PDS Geosciences Node Representative: Susan Slavney, Washington University, Susan.Slavney@wustl.edu.