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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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This site may be down on Thursdays between 7:00 and 9:30 pm Central Time for maintenance.

Proposal Letter Requests

If you can't find what you need here, check the Geosciences Node Data Providers' Forum to see if your question has already been discussed. You may post a question in the Forum (after signing up for a free account), or you may email your question to

Data archiving proposals may require a letter of support to demonstrate that a PDS discipline node is willing to accept your submission. If you need a letter of support from the PDS Geosciences Node for your proposal, email your  request to We will respond as soon as possible, but allow at least one week between your request and the proposal due date.

Please include the following information:

  • The Principal Investigator's name, institution, postal address, email address, and phone number.

  • The NASA program name (e.g., Mars Data Analysis Program).

  • The proposal title.

  • The start and end dates of proposed work, including expected dates of data delivery to the PDS.

  • The deadline by which the requested letter is needed.

  • A brief description of the archiving plan and data to be archived, including the mission or instrument that made the observation, and the approximate total number, format(s), size and/or expected volume of the data products. In some cases, a Data Management Plan (DMP) may be required.

    • The Geosciences Node archives data sets that are relevant to the geosciences discipline: the study of the surfaces and interiors of terrestrial planetary bodies. Derived image data, geophysics data, microwave data, spaceborne thermal data and spectroscopy data obtained from NASA's planetary science missions are archived at the Geosciences node or at one of its data nodes, along with related data from laboratory and field studies.

    • If your data do not meet the above criteria, please review the other PDS node descriptions on the main PDS web site and contact the appropriate node.

Here's the PDS Policy on Requesting Letters of Support.


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NASA Official: Paul Byrne
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