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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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The Phoenix Mars Lander was launched August 4, 2007 and landed on the Martian surface on May 25, 2008.  The last transmission of science data from Phoenix occurred on October 29, 2008, sol 152.

Geosciences Node Tools

Phoenix Analyst's Notebook - allows searching across Phoenix archives at all PDS nodes, in the context of mission planning and mission events.

Additional Search Tools

Instruments and Archives

PDS Archives
RA (Robotic Arm) Robotic Arm Archive (PDS3 and PDS4)
TEGA (Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer) TEGA Archive
MECA - TECP (Thermal and Electrical Conductivity) MECA Non-Imaging Archive
MECA - WCL (Wet Chemistry Laboratory)
MECA - AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy)
MECA - OM (Optical Microscopy) MECA OM Archive
at the Imaging Node
SSI (Stereo Surface Imager) SSI Archive
at the Imaging Node
RAC (Robotic Arm Camera) RAC Archive
at the Imaging Node
MET - LIDAR (Meteorology Suite - Light Detection and Ranging) MET - LIDAR Archive
at the Atmospheres Node
MET - P&T (Meteorology Suite - Pressure and Temperature) MET - P&T Archive
at the Atmospheres Node
ASE (Atmospheric Structure Experiment) ASE Archive
at the Atmospheres Node

Derived Products from Individual Investigators

PDS Archives
Brad Sutter / MDAP Phoenix TEGA Derived Scanning Calorimetry (PDS4)
Brad Sutter Phoenix TEGA EGH PM Bundle (PDS4)
Germán Martínez / MDAP Phoenix MECA Recalibrated Relative Humidity
Kiri Wagstaff / PDART Mars Target Encyclopedia (PDS4)

More Information

Release Schedule

Use the PDS Subscription Service to receive email announcements of each Phoenix Release. 

Release Data Acquisition Release to Public
1 sols 0 - 30 Dec. 23, 2008
2 sols 31 - 90 Feb. 22, 2009
3 sols 91 - 152 Apr. 29, 2009



What's New

January 29, 2025. The Phoenix TEGA EGH PM Bundle is released.

April 4, 2021. The Mars Target Encyclopedia is released.

Sept. 13, 2019. A new data collection of TECP recalibrated relative humidity data have been added to the archive.

July 22, 2019. TEGA Derived Scanning Calorimetry data from Brad Sutter are released.

Sept. 7, 2016. All MECA TECP derived humidity products have been recalibrated.

July 12, 2010. Phoenix Robotic Arm derived data are now available.

July 6, 2010. All MECA TECP RDR products have been revised to correct an error in the computation of relative permittivity. For more information, see errata.txt.

April 2, 2010. A list of coordinated Phoenix and MRO observations is now available.

October 28, 2009. The remaining MECA AFM RDR products have been released, all except for sols 90, 109, and 111 which are still in production by the Science Team.

April 29, 2009. Release 3 of Mars Phoenix Lander archives includes data acquired on sols 91 through 152. This is the last planned release for Phoenix; however, there are still some products to be released later.

February 23, 2009. Release 2 of Mars Phoenix Lander archives includes data acquired on sols 31 through 90.

December 23, 2008. Release 1 of Mars Phoenix Lander archives includes data acquired on sols 0 through 30.

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