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Chandrayaan 1
July 7, 2020. Chandrayaan
1 PDS4
Chandrayaan 1 archives in PDS
include the Mini-RF archive at the Geosciences
Node and the M3 archive at the
Cartography and Imaging Sciences
Node. The Mini-RF archives have been
migrated to the PDS4 standard.
The M3 archives are scheduled to be
migrated to PDS4 in 2023.
For Mini-RF, the original PDS3 data products,
labels, and documentation remain
available in their original archive
CH1MRF_0xxx. The only change is that
PDS4 labels and documentation have
been added to the archive. The
original data files are unchanged.
For more information about the
migration of the Mini-RF data, see
Chandrayaan-1 was a lunar orbiter launched by the
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) on October 22,
2008. It carried instruments from ISRO and from several
other national space agencies, including two from NASA,
the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) and the Mini-RF (aka
Mini-SAR, Forerunner). It also carried an impactor. The
mission ended prematurely on August 29, 2009, after loss
of radio contact.
Chandrayaan-1 Mission Description
Instruments and Archives
Only the two NASA-sponsored experiments,
Mini-RF and M3,
have archived data in the PDS.
The ISRO Science Data Archive (ISDA)
science data archives for all Chandrayaan-1
Lunar Orbital Data Explorer (ODE)
here at the Geosciences Node provides search
capabilities for the Mini-RF and M3 data
Follow links to descriptions |
Archives |
Mini-RF Synthetic Aperture Radar, NASA |
Mini-RF Archives at the PDS Geosciences Node,
including: Raw Data
Calibrated Data Maps Mosaics |
Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), NASA |
M3 Archives at the PDS Cartography and Imaging
Sciences Node |
Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC), ISRO |
Hyper Spectral Imager (HySI), ISRO |
Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI), ISRO |
High Energy X-ray Spectrometer (HEX), ISRO |
Moon Impact Probe (MIP), ISRO |
X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (C1XS), UK, ESA,
and ISRO |
Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyser (SARA), ESA |
Near-infrared Spectrometer (SIR-2), ESA |
Radiation Dose Monitor Experiment (RADOM-7),
Bulgaria |