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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
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The Viking Lander EDR Image Archive

The Viking Lander 1 and 2 Raw Image PDS4 bundle contains the complete set of Viking Lander (VL) 1 and 2 raw images migrated from the older PDS3 dataset. The bundle includes the image data with PDS4 labels, browse images, calibration and geometry information, documentation, and an index of label parameters about the images. The PDS4 bundle for this dataset is stored separately from the two PDS3 volumes, which were originally distributed on two CD-ROMs. The directory structure of the PDS4 bundle has the data for both landers combined into one bundle and is better organized than the original dataset. The image files have also been renamed because file names are no longer constrained to the 8.3 format of CD-ROMs. Currently both the PDS3 and PDS4 versions are available at the Geosciences Node.

The original PDS3 volumes are available at the links below. 

PDS4 Bundle

root directory Top level of bundle.
readme.txt Introduction to the bundle.
browse collection A set of all VL images that have been contrast enhanced and saved as JPEG files.
calibration collection Radiometric calibration data and a calibration report (PDF file) for calibrating the raw images into higher-level products. Located in the calib directory.
data_raw collection Collection of VL images with PDS4 labels. Below the data_raw directory, the images are organized by lander and further subdirectories based on image file names.
document collection Several documents about the Viking mission, the Lander spacecraft, the cameras, and the image dataset. The collection also has a report about geometry for the VL images with information on the location and orientation of the landers and geometry associated with the cameras. This report is from the original archive and no attempt was made to update the lander locations based on new orbital data and analysis done since the Viking mission.
miscellaneous collection An ASCII table with an index of data products.

PDS3 Volumes

The Viking Lander EDR (Experiment Data Record) Image Archive is the complete collection of raw images acquired by the two Viking Landers on the surface of Mars, 1976-1982, along with detailed documentation and ancillary data. This archive is published on a set of two CD-ROMs by the PDS Geosciences Node.

Included on this web site, and on the CD-ROM set, is the Viking Lander Image Browser, which allows you to display browse versions of the images in GIF format.

Use the Index Tables below to quickly locate and download images of interest.


PDS Nodes PDS Atmospheres Geosciences Imaging NAIF PPI Rings Small Bodies
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