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Magellan Surface Characteristics Vector Data Record (SCVDR)
The Surface Characteristics Vector Data Record (SCVDR) is an orbit-by-orbit
reduction of Magellan scattering and emission measurements
carried out at Stanford University. The SCVDR includes near-nadir scattering
functions obtained by numerical inversion from altimetry (ALT)
echoes, results (e.g., rms surface slopes and Fresnel reflectivity) from fitting
analytic functions to those inversions, scattering function segments at oblique
incidence angles derived from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) echoes, and
estimates of surface emissivity derived from thermal microwave radiometry (RAD)
measurements. The SCVDR is one of several inputs to the Global Vector Data
Record (GVDR), a gridded summary of scattering results, also produced at
Click on the links to view files and directories in the data set.
Data Set Volumes
In the table below, click on the Volume ID to get to the volume's top-level
directory, from which you may access all the files. For an introduction to the
data set, read the aareadme.txt file in the top-level
directory. More complete information is available in the PDS catalog description
for the data set, in the file To find the
location of a specific data product, look in the cumulative index table on the
last volume, file
Data Set Producer
This archive was produced by Peter Ford and Joan Quigley at MIT. The data and documentation were
provided by Richard Simpson, Stanford University. Please direct
any questions and comments to the PDS Geosciences Node,