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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
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Magellan Bistatic Radar (BSR)

The Magellan Bistatic Radar Calibrated Bundle contains time-ordered amplitude- and frequency-calibrated data, power spectra and voltage cross spectra, along with ancillary data. These data have been migrated from the three original PDS3 volumes. The original PDS3 volumes will remain available at the links below for the time being.

PDS4 Bundle - BSR Calibrated

root directory Top level of bundle
readme_magellan_bsr_calibrated.txt Introduction to the bundle
bsp collection SPICE Kernel data
gnc collection GNC calibration data
prr collection PRR data
prt collection PRT data
sc1 collection SC1 calibration data
sc2 collection SC2 calibration data
spc collection SPC data
srf collection SRF calibration data
srg collection Geometry data
document collection Document files describing the data bundle
catalog collection PDS3 catalog files
index collection PDS3 index files

PDS3 Volumes - BSR Calibrated

Volume Index Errors and Anomalies
mg_2501 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2502 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2503 Index table and label errata.txt


The Magellan Bistatic Radar (BSR) Raw Data Archive is a time-ordered collection of raw and partially processed data from bistatic radar experiments conducted using the Magellan spacecraft while it orbited Venus. These data are available in the 13 PDS3 volumes below.

PDS3 Volumes - BSR Raw

Volume Index Errors and Anomalies
mg_2301 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2302 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2303 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2304 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2305 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2306 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2307 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2308 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2309 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2310 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2311 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2312 Index table and label errata.txt
mg_2313 Index table and label errata.txt


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