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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
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Mars 2020: PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry)

Jul. 30, 2024. Mars 2020 Release 10 includes new PIXL data from sols 1020 through 1139, January 1, 2024 - May 4, 2024, as well as revised products. See the Release Notes for details.

The Mars 2020 PIXL instrument measures the fine-scale chemical makeup of rocks using an X-ray spectrometer and camera. PIXL is mounted on the turret at the end of the robotic arm.

PIXL Release Notes

PIXL Release Notes contain information about the archive and errata, if any. They are updated with each release.

Collections in the PIXL Archive Bundle

Introduction to the PIXL Archive Bundle (readme.txt)
PIXL Bundle Root Directory
PIXL Document collection
PIXL Raw Ancillary data collection
PIXL Raw Spectroscopy data collection
PIXL Processed data collection
PIXL PMC Oxides data collection
PIXL image data collection (at the CIS Node)
Mars 2020 Mission Camera Document collection (secondary member)
Mars 2020 Mission Camera Calibration collection (secondary member)
Mars 2020 Mission Miscellaneous collection (secondary member)

Derived PIXL Data Sets from Individual Investigators

An Examination of Soil Crusts on the Floor of Jezero crater, Mars
Elisabeth M. Hausrath / JGR 2023


Readme.txt gives a high-level overview of the PIXL Bundle.

The PIXL Bundle Software Interface Specification (SIS)  describes the contents, format, and structure of the bundle. Users who are unfamiliar with PDS archives should read this first.

The PIXL PDS User Guide summarizes information from other documents that is likely to be most useful to the science user.

The PIXL EDR SIS and PIXL RDR SIS describe the data products generated by the PIXL instrument suite, including how they are processed and labeled. The SISs are detailed documents intended for use in mission operations as well as by science users of the archive.


MSL ANB Mars 2020 Analyst's Notebook  - This PDS Geosciences Node tool provides access to Perseverance data in the context of mission operations -- by sol, location, instrument, and other criteria.
  PDS4 Viewer - This standalone tool displays PDS4-labeled images and tables. Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. Source code and Python library also available.





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