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HP3 and RAD (Heat Flow and
Physical Properties Probe and Radiometer)
March 31, 2023.
No new HP3 or RAD data are available for
the period covered by InSight Release 16, October 1 through
December 15, 2022. See the
Release Notes for details.
January 11, 2023.
Two HP3 data products have been revised. See the
Release Notes for details.
The HP3 (Heat Flow and Physical Properties
Probe) drills down into the surface of Mars, pulling
with it a cable dotted with temperature sensors to
record the flow of heat under the ground. The RAD
(Radiometer) records the surface temperature and thermal
properties to support analysis of the HP3
RAD and HP3 Release
RAD and HP3 Release Notes
contain information about the
archive and errata, if any. They are updated
with each release.
RAD Archive Bundle
HP3 Archive Bundle
HP3 / RAD Document
Collection in the InSight Document Bundle
InSight Analyst's Notebook
PDS Geosciences Node tool provides
access to InSight data in the context of
mission operations -- by sol,
location, instrument, and other
criteria. |