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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
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LRO: Mini-RF

March 14, 2025. New Mini-RF Bistatic Radar data (PDS4) are released, with coverage from August 24 through September 21, 2022. The Mini-RF team is converting observations prior to ESM5 to PDS4, starting from most recent and going backwards.

December 13, 2024.
The migrated Mini-RF Bistatic Radar bundle is released, with coverage from November 15, 2022, through October 14, 2024. The PDS3 volumes will remain available until all data are migrated.

Mini-RF is the Miniature Radio Frequency technology demonstration of a miniaturized multi-mode dual frequency dual polarization radar observatory. Mini-RF data sets are produced by the Mini-RF Science Team at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD.

Mini-RF Bistatic Radar Data (PDS4)

The Bistatic Radar data products are being migrated to the PDS4 standard. As new products are available they will be added to the Bistatic PDS4 bundle. The PDS3 data products will remain available on the PDS3 volumes below until all bistatic radar data are migrated.

The Bistatic PDS4 bundle contains new data products that were not archived on the old PDS3 volumes. These include calibration and housekeeping products that may prove useful to future researchers. In addition the PDS4 dataset combines the real and imaginary components of the calibrated data product from two files from the PDS3 dataset into one file in the new dataset; this makes it easier for users to correlate the real and imaginary components at each pixel location. The PDS4 dataset also includes browse JPGs of the derived data products to allow the users to visualize the data before delving into the data files.

Mini-RF Global Mosaics (PDS4)

The Global Mosaics are stored separately from other Mini-RF data sets. 

All Other Mini-RF Data Sets (PDS3)

Except for the Bistatic Radar and Global Mosaic data, all raw, calibrated and derived Mini-RF data are stored together, aggregated in groups of 100 orbits. Each directory of 100 orbits has subdirectories for raw, calibrated, derived, and housekeeping data as described below. The data are put online in multiple archive volumes in time order, as follows. Click the Volume ID below to go to that volume. The INDEX directory of each volume has both a volume-specific index and a cumulative index.

The Mini-RF archive includes these data sets:

Raw Data Products
PDR - Packetized Data Records
(Directories DATA/SAR/.../RAW and DATA/SAR/.../HOUSEKEEPING)
Calibrated Data Products
CDR - Calibrated Data Records
(Directory DATA/SAR/.../LEVEL1)
CDR-INSAR - Interferometric Calibrated Data Records -- to be released later
Derived Data Products
CDR-MAP - Map-Projected Calibrated Data Records
(Directory DATA/SAR/.../LEVEL2)
CDR-MOSAIC - Polar Mosaic Calibrated Data Records

Online Tools

Lunar Orbital Data Explorer Lunar Orbital Data Explorer - Provides search, display, and download  tools for LRO Mini-RF data.

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