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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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2001 Mars Odyssey: GRS Instrument Suite (GRS/NS/HEND)

Jan. 2, 2025. New NS and HEND raw and derived data are posted.

August 3, 2022.
A new bundle of Improved DND data from Katherine Mesick is released.

The GRS instrument suite includes the Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS), Neutron Spectrometer (NS), and High Energy Neutron Detector (HEND). GRS data sets are produced by the GRS Science Team at the University of Arizona (UA). They are archived by the Geosciences Node.

GRS Home Page at the University of Arizona

GRS Data Node at the University of Arizona

The GRS Data Node, a satellite of the Geosciences Node, provides online custom-generated GRS products, tailored to the user's latitude-longitude and time range specifications.

GRS Data Sets Online at the Geosciences Node:

Raw Data Products
Raw, uncalibrated gamma ray, neutron, and HEND data (EDRs), plus ancillary data (pulser spectra, profile data, command lists, message logs, event logs, engineering and channelized data)
Intermediate Derived Data Products
Corrected gamma spectra (CGS)
Summed gamma spectra (SGS)
Derived neutron data (DND) (version 2)
Averaged neutron data (AND) (version 2)
Derived HEND data (DHD)
Averaged HEND data (AHD)
Higher Derived Data Products
Element concentration maps
Special Products
Custom products from the GRS Data Node
Gamma sensor hydrogen peaks, NS thermal, epithermal, and fast neutron maps, HEND epithermal and fast neutron maps
Derived Data Sets from Individual Investigators
Improved DND products bundle (PDS4)
Katherine Mesick, PDART19


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