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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
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Clementine LWIR Brightness Temperature Images

September 8, 2023. The Clementine LWIR brightness temperature dataset has been migrated to the PDS4 standard. The original PDS3 data products, labels, and documentation remain available in their original archive volume. The only change is that PDS4 labels and documentation have been added to the archives. The original data files are unchanged. Please see the pds4_migration_notes for more information.

This archive contains lunar brightness temperature data derived from images acquired by the Clementine Long Wavelength Infrared (LWIR) camera. The LWIR camera acquired approximately 220,000 thermal-infrared images of the lunar surface. A complete description of the online volume structure and the image file format is in the file VOLSIS.TXT in the DOCUMENT directory. The Clementine LWIR brightness temperature data set was produced by Dr. Stefanie L. Lawson, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico and Dr. Bruce M. Jakosky, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.

These images now have detached PDS4 labels (*.xml) and the original attached PDS3 labels. They can be displayed with the PDS4 Viewer tool and the PDS software NASAView.

The procedure for generating brightness temperature values can be summarized as follows: 1) original LWIR digital numbers were converted to radiance; 2) the dark current signal was subtracted from the radiance values; 3) a flat field correction was applied; 4) bad pixels were identified and smoothed over; and 5) calibrated radiance values were converted to brightness temperatures using the Planck function. Details of the processing are given in Lawson et al. (Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 105, pp. 4273-4290, 2000).

Clementine LWIR Data Products (PDS4)

README.TXT Introduction to the PDS4 bundle
AAREADME.TXT Introduction to the original PDS3 archive
ERRATA.TXT Notes and errata
DATA directory Data products
INDEX directory Index of all products in the archive
DOCUMENT directory Documentation for the archive
CATALOG directory Information about the archive in the PDS Catalog
Root directory PDS4 bundle root directory

Online Tools

Lunar Orbital Data Explorer (ODE) - Provides search, display, and download  tools for this data set.
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