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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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January 14, 2025. The newest version of the Java CRISM Analysis Tool (JCAT), 1.1, is now available for download.

January 7, 2025.
The MRO CRISM MRDRs have been migrated to the PDS4 standard. The original PDS3 data products, labels, and documentation remain available in their original archive volume. The only change is that PDS4 labels and documentation have been added to the archive. The original data files are unchanged. Please see readme.txt for more information.

CRISM is the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars, a visible-infrared hyperspectral mapper that maps the geology, composition, and layering of surface features on Mars. CRISM data sets are produced by the CRISM Science Team at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland.

NOTE: CRISM L data stopped being collected on February 15, 2018, due to failure of the thermoelectric coolers.

CRISM Documentation

Read the CRISM Data Product Specification, also known as the CRISM SIS (PDF, 9 MB) for information about the structure and content of CRISM data products. This is essential reading for any CRISM user. Additional help in processing and using CRISM data is available in the presentations from the MRO CRISM Data Users' Workshop.

The various CRISM observing modes are described in the poster The Illustrated Guide to CRISM Observing Modes (May 2017) and in this presentation from the CRISM Team, Brief History of CRISM Observing Modes (November 2015). 

Read the CRISM Data Set Specification (PDF, 1.5 MB) for information about the organization of CRISM data sets. There is more than just the data products!

Visit the CRISM Team Web Site at APL for the latest news about CRISM.

CRISM Data Sets

Derived Data Products
MTRDR (PDS4) - Map-Projected Targeted Reduced Data Records contain TER data map-projected using terrain models of the Martian surface.

TER - Targeted Empirical Records contain image cubes derived from CRISM hyperspectral targeted observations, post-processed to standardize the illumination and observation geometry and remove atmospheric gas absorptions and instrument artifacts.

TRDR - Targeted Reduced Data Records contain data calibrated to radiance or I/F.

Version 3 (current version, see below for details):
DDR - Derived Data Records contain information on observation conditions and surface physical properties.
LDR - Limb Data Records are similar to DDRs. They contain supplementary information for TRDR limb observations.

MRDR - Multispectral Reduced Data Records contain multispectral survey data calibrated, mosaicked, and map projected.

MRDR Version 4 (Version 3 of the radiometric calibration software, PDS4):

Special Products
The CRISM MICA Type Spectra Library is a collection of type spectra of minerals identified through CRISM analysis.
Raw Data Products
EDR - Experiment Data Records and CDR - Calibration Data Records

*Note: CDRs in this range have been reprocessed using version 3 software. See Note Regarding TRDR Version 3 Reprocessing below.


Mars Orbital Data Explorer Mars Orbital Data Explorer - Online service that provides search, display, and download  tools for CRISM data, developed by the PDS Geosciences Node
CAT (CRISM Analysis Toolkit) - A collection of ENVI and IDL procedures for reading, displaying, and analyzing CRISM data, produced by the CRISM Science Team.

General CAT information

CAT for ENVI version 5.3 or above (all files revised 11/14/23)

CAT for ENVI version 4.x (Classic) (all files revised 1/2/19)

JCAT (Java CRISM Analysis Tool) - A java-based tool for viewing CRISM data, developed by the CRISM Science Team. It provides many features of CAT and does not require an ENVI license. The CRISM team has made its source code available on Github.

To use JCAT, download and extract the ZIP archive. If your operating system is Windows, run the file windows/runJCAT.bat. If your operating system is MacOS, Linux, or another *nix OS, run unix/runJCAT.

Interactive CRISM Map - A map-based interface for searching CRISM data products, developed by the CRISM Science Team.

Note Regarding TRDR Version 3 Reprocessing

As of February 9, 2010, the TRDRs (Targeted Reduced Data Records) are being created with version 3 of the CRISM processing software, which includes improved calibration procedures. Compared to version 2 TRDRs, these products have had most artifacts corrected and noise reduced by use of a sophisticated filtering process. The CRISM Team has revised all previously released TRDRs using the improved software. For more information see the revised Data Set Description ( and Software Interface Specification (crism_dpsis.pdf).

The previously released TRDR version 2 products have been taken offline.

CDRs (Calibration Data Records)  have also been reprocessed as part of this effort. The Version 3 CDRs are stored on the EDR volumes in their usual CDR directory, and the Version 2 CDRs that they replace have been taken offline.

Users of TRDR Version 3 products please note: The hyperspectral noise filter applied to the I/F version of CRISM TRDRs in version 3 of the radiometric calibration pipeline is described in this file (PDF, 13.3 MB). The format of the file is a flowchart describing different steps in the filtering process, which is applied to full or half resolution targeted observations (the central swaths of FRT, HRL, or HRS observations). Other products taken with greater levels of pixel binning are not filtered at this time. A future version of the CRISM Data Products SIS will describe the filtering algorithm in greater detail.



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