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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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Magellan Radio Tracking Data

December 2, 2014. The Magellan Radio Tracking archive has completed peer review. Additions have been made to this data set since it was first posted here in September 2013 while still in lien resolution. See AAREADME.TXT and ERRATA.TXT for details.

This archive contains Magellan radio tracking data in the form of ATDF and ODF files. Also included are ancillary data in directories AMD (angular momentum desaturation events), ION (Earth's ionosphere), TRO (Earth's troposphere), and WEA (weather conditions near DSN stations), and documentation in the DOCUMENT directory. See AAREADME.TXT for an overview.

Click on the links to view files and directories in the data set.

Root directory Top level of data set
AAREADME.TXT Introduction to the archive
ERRATA.TXT Errata and user notes for the archive
AMD directory Angular Momentum Desaturation ancillary data
CATALOG directory Information about the archive supplied to the PDS online catalog
DOCUMENT directory Documents relating to the archive
INDEX directory An index of data products in the archive
ION directory Earth's ionosphere ancillary data
ODF directory Orbital Data Files (ODF)
TDF directory Archival Tracking Data Files (ATDF)
TRO directory Earth's troposphere ancillary data
WEA directory DSN weather ancillary data

Data Set Producer

This archive was produced by Dick Simpson, PDS Radio Science Advisor. The ODF products were generated by Alex S. Konopliv and K. J. Lee, JPL. Please direct any questions and comments to the PDS Geosciences Node,


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