Clementine was a joint NASA/DoD
mission to the Moon, 1991-1994. The
Geosciences Node
archives the following Clementine data:
PDS Imaging
Node archives other Clementine data
volumes, such as:
- Clementine Experiment Data Records
- Lunar Basemap Mosaic
- Full Resolution UWIS Digital Image Model
- High Resolution Polar Mosaic.
NASA Navigation and Ancillary
Information Facility (NAIF)
maintains the
Clementine SPICE archive.
Search Tools
June 3, 2024. The Clementine
Bistatic Radar data set
has been migrated to the PDS4 standard.
September 8, 2023. The Clementine
LWIR brightness temperature data sets
have been migrated to the PDS4 standard.
July 5, 2023. The Clementine
LIDAR data set and
gravity and topography data sets
have been migrated to the PDS4 standard.
August 22, 2007. The
raw Clementine LIDAR data
are now available as a PDS saved data set.
May 4, 2007. A new Clementine
data set, the
NIR Full-Resolution Lunar Mosaic, has been
produced by the U.S.G.S. Astrogeology Program and is now
available from the PDS Imaging Node. This data set is
still in PDS peer review.