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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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Mars Exploration Rovers

The Mars Exploration Rover Mission sent two rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, to Mars in January of 2004. Originally designed for only a 90-day mission, Spirit operated until 2010 and Opportunity until 2018, returning a wealth of science and engineering data. The PDS archives for MER reside at the Geosciences, Imaging, Atmospheres, and NAIF Nodes.

Geosciences Node Data

The Geosciences Node MER online data repository provides direct links into those MER data sets that reside at Geosciences.
MER Analyst's Notebook The MER Analyst's Notebook is for scientists familiar with MER who want details of the science observations.

Additional ways to access MER data

MER PDS4 Archives

MER archives at the Geosciences Node have been migrated to the PDS4 standard. This includes the APXS, Mössbauer, Microscopic Imager, RAT, Mini-TES, Navcam, Pancam, and Rover Motion Counter archives.

The original PDS3 data products, labels, and documentation remain available in their original archive volumes. The only change is that PDS4 labels and documentation have been added to the archives. The original data files are unchanged. The MER Analyst's Notebook continues to provide access to the archives using metadata from the PDS3 labels; a future version of the Notebook will incorporate both PDS3 and PDS4 labels.  

For more information about the migration of these data sets, see geo_notes_and_errata.pdf in the MER documentation bundle.

MER Publications

A list of scientific papers on MER topics is available from the MER Analyst's Notebook Reference pages for Spirit and for Opportunity.

PDS Nodes PDS Atmospheres Geosciences Imaging NAIF PPI Rings Small Bodies
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