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Apollo 15/17 Heat Flow
Experiment Concatenated Data
January 11, 2021.
The data, document, and document_source collections
of this bundle have been revised. Please see the
collection.xml files for details.
This bundle contains ASCII tables
containing corrected, reduced, and concatenated versions
of all available calibrated data from the Apollo 15 and
17 Heat Flow Experiment, along with supporting
documentation and source data. These tables are based on
other data in the PDS and the published literature,
specifically (1) transcriptions of data sent by the
original instrument team to the NSSDC and (2) data not
archived by the instrument team and recovered much later
from ARCSAV tapes. The data here correct several errors
in (1), and furthermore place (1) and (2) into a
standardized format for ease of use. This bundle was provided by
Matthew Siegler (Planetary Science Institute) and
Michael St. Clair and Chase Million (Million Concepts).