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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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Mars Analog Handlens-Scale Image Data Base

This data set is a collection of images of potential martian analog features and materials taken at 10 micrometers per pixel resolution, approximately the scale of a geologist's handlens, along with associated measurements and other information about each sample. The data were provided by Aileen Yingst, Planetary Science Institute, and archived by the PDS Geosciences Node.

Browse the Archive

Use the Mars Analog Data Browser to view the images and read the associated documentation.

Download the Archive

MAHANDLENS.ZIP is a zip-compressed 1.08 GB file containing the complete archive.

Direct Access to Archive Contents

Root Directory - Start here for access to the entire volume. 

AAREADME.TXT - Introduction to the archive. Read this first.
VOLDESC.CAT - Description of the volume contents as a PDS catalog object.

INDEX Directory - The INDEX directory contains a PDS index table for this archive. This table has one record for each primary image product in the archive. See the file INDXINFO.TXT for additional details.

  • INDEX.TAB - A list of all primary images in the archive. For each image the table gives the context images, description files, and associated measurements. This file is described by the label INDEX.LBL.

DATA Directory - All images in this data set are found in the DATA directory. Primary image data products have file names beginning with IMG_. Most primary images have associated meter-scale and centimeter-scale context images, whose names begin with MIMG_ and CIMG_ respectively. Many primary images also have associated ancillary image files, whose names begin with AIMG_.

CATALOG Directory - Files in the CATALOG directory are text files containing documentation formatted for reading by humans and by software. The files contain information about the data set, the instrumentation, references, and
personnel involved in archiving the data. See the file CATINFO.TXT for details. These files are called catalog files because they are entered into the PDS Catalog for online searching.

DOCUMENT Directory - The DOCUMENT directory contains text descriptions of the the samples imaged in this archive. For each primary image in the archive, the file INDEX.TAB (above) lists the relevant description files in the DOCUMENT directory. The contents of the directory are described in DOCINFO.TXT.

EXTRAS  Directory - The EXTRAS directory in a PDS archive contains ancillary material that may be useful but is not required for the understanding of the archive. In this archive, the EXTRAS directory contains the original Excel spreadsheet as submitted to PDS, which became the basis for the file INDEX.TAB described above. The contents of this directory are described in EXTRINFO.TXT.


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