The Chang'e missions, part
of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program
(CLEP), are an ongoing series of lunar
missions by the Chinese National Space
Agency (CNSA).
Data are available via the
China Lunar Exploration Program's
Lunar and Planetary Data Release System.
Chang'e Data at the
PDS Geosciences Node
Chang'e-1 and 2 Microwave Radiometer Processed Data
(M. St. Clair, S. Brown, J. Feng, C.
Million, M. Siegler) - Calibrated (L2C) data
products from the Chinese Lunar Exploration
Program (CLEP)'s Chang'e-1 (CE-1) and
Chang'e-2 (CE-2) Microwave Radiometer (MRM)
instruments, along with new maps and tables
derived from these data.