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"What's Old" Items from 2014

What's New entries from the Home Page are moved here when they are no longer new. 

Dec. 23, 2014. Data from Release 50 of the Mars Odyssey mission are online.

Dec. 15, 2014. Data from Release 20 of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter are now online.

Dec. 12, 2014. Data from Release 42 of the Mars Exploration Rover (Opportunity) are online.

Dec. 8, 2014. Products from sols 584 through 707 have been added to the safed MSL SAM EDR data set.

Dec. 5, 2014. Data from Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) Release 7 are now online.

Dec. 2, 2014. The restored Magellan Radio Tracking archive has completed peer review.

Nov. 25, 2014. Release 31 of MRO CRISM and Radio Science data sets are online.

Nov. 24, 2014. The Odyssey NS data that were delayed are now online.

Nov. 21, 2014. New Odyssey Radio Science data are posted.

Nov. 13, 2014. New Mars Express ASPERA IMA data are posted.

Oct. 29, 2014. New Mars Express Radio Science data are posted.

Oct. 28, 2014. New Odyssey Radio Science data are posted.

Oct. 20, 2014. Release 3 of the derived MRO SHARAD data set is now available, produced by U.S. SHARAD team members.

Oct. 15, 2014. Odyssey GRS / HEND data have been released. NS data are delayed until Release 50, January 2, 2015.

Oct. 15, 2014. New Mars Express OMEGA and Radio Science data are posted.

Oct. 1, 2014. Odyssey GRS / HEND / NS data scheduled to be released today have been delayed.

Sept. 29, 2014. New MESSENGER Radio Science SHADR and SHBDR products have been released.

Sept. 26, 2014. New LRO Mini-RF Bistatic Radar data are online.

Sept. 23, 2014. A new LRO Mini-RF Global Mosaic data set is now online.

Sept. 19, 2014. New Mars Odyssey Radio Science data are online.

Sept. 19, 2014. Restored Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 Thermal Conductivity data are online.

Sept. 17, 2014. New Mars Express MARSIS AIS data are online.

Sept. 15, 2014. Release 19 of data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is now online.

Sept. 11, 2014. Release 41 of Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity data is now online.

Sept. 5, 2014. Release 12 of MESSENGER data is now online.

Sept. 4, 2014. New Mars Express ASPERA and SPICAM data are posted.

Sept. 4, 2014. A new Help for PDART Proposers page is available.

August 29, 2014. Release 30 of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online.

August 25, 2014. New Mars Express Radio Science data are now online.

August 19, 2014. New Mars Odyssey Radio Science data are online.

August 13, 2014. Release 2 of the derived MRO SHARAD data set is now available, produced by U.S. SHARAD team members.

August 13, 2014. A new batch of Earth-based S-band lunar radar data from Bruce Campbell is now available.

August 12, 2014. New Mars Express HRSC data through Dec. 31, 2013 are now online.

August 7, 2014. Products from sols 450 through 583 have been added to the safed MSL SAM EDR data set.

August 4, 2014. New LRO Mini-RF Bistatic Radar data products are available.

August 1, 2014. Release 6 of data from the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity rover) is now online.

July 25, 2014. New Mars Express SPICAM reduced data sets are now online.

July 25, 2014. New Mars Express Radio Science data are now online.

July 22, 2014. The interactive HRSC Global Image Mosaic of Mars is now on our Tools page.

July 22, 2014. The THEMIS Global Thermal Inertia Mosaic of Mars is now online as a THEMIS special product.

July 11, 2014. New Odyssey Radio Science data have been posted.

July 11, 2014. EDR data for Odyssey Release 48, which had been delayed, are now online.

July 11, 2014. A new derived MRO SHARAD data set is now available, produced by U.S. SHARAD team members.

July 8, 2014. Presentations from the MARSIS/SHARAD Workshop at LPSC are now online.

July 1, 2014. Release 48 of Mars Odyssey data is now online.

July 1, 2014. GRAIL release 5 is now online.

June 13, 2014. Release 18 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online.

June 11, 2014. New Odyssey Radio Science data have been posted.

June 11, 2014. New Mars Express HRSC DTM data are online.

June 9, 2014. Release 40 of Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity data is now online.

June 2, 2014. Release 29 of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online.

May 19, 2014. New Odyssey Radio Science data have been posted.

May 19, 2014. New Mars Express Radio Science data have been posted.

April 25, 2014. Errors found in Odyssey NS AND data have been corrected.

April 24, 2014. A new batch of Earth-based S-band lunar radar data from Bruce Campbell is now available.

April 21, 2014. Products from sols 360 through 449 have been added to the safed MSL SAM EDR data set.

April 14, 2014. Corrections to previously released MESSENGER XRS CDR data have been posted.

April 14, 2014. New Odyssey Radio Science data have been posted.

April 9, 2014. New polar mosaics have been added to the LRO Mini-RF archive.

April 1, 2014. New Mars Express Radio Science data are posted.

April 1, 2014. GRAIL release 4 is now online.

March 27, 2014. An error has been corrected in the MESSENGER Radio Science SHADR model. 

March 27, 2014. New Mars Express ASPERA data are posted.

March 26, 2014. HEND and NS data from Odyssey Release 47 are posted.

March 17, 2014. Mars Express MARSIS AIS data from Extended Mission 4 is online.

March 17, 2014. Release 5 of data from the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity rover) is now online.

March 14, 2014. Release 17 of data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is now online.

March 11, 2014. Mars Express OMEGA Global Maps have been updated.

March 11. 2014. New Odyssey Radio Science data and Mars Express Radio Science data are posted.

March 10, 2014. Several workshops using PDS data are scheduled at LPSC.

March 7, 2014. Release 39 from the Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover is now online.

March 7, 2014. Release 11 of MESSENGER data is now online.

March 1, 2014. Release 28 of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data is now online.

February 28, 2014. New Mars Express Radio Science data have been posted.

February 18, 2014. New Odyssey Radio Science data are posted.

January 27, 2014. New Mars Express HRSC and SPICAM data have been posted.

January 24, 2014. Revised Odyssey HEND and NS EDR data from Jan 1-Mar 30, 2013 have been posted.

January 17, 2014. Products from sols 270 through 359 have been added to the safed MSL SAM EDR data set.

Jan. 14, 2014. New Odyssey Radio Science data are posted.

Jan. 9, 2014. The MSL SAM EDR SIS has been added to the safed data set.

Jan. 2, 2014. New Mars Odyssey HEND and NS data are released.

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